The Content drop-down shows the available actions for the currently displayed content, depending on the type of content and your permission settings.

Page view actions


Display the page.


Display and update the metadata for the page.

Save As

Download the page as a document, in any common format such as PDF, Word, text, etc.


See the page history: the successive versions, when and by whom the versions were approved, and any approval comments.

Compare versions

See what’s changed between versions

Who has viewed this page

See when and by whom the page was viewed.

Audit trail

Display the log of system events relating to this page

Page edit actions

See for more information on these actions.


Edit the page. Editing is always carried out on a draft version of the page. If the page has been approved and no draft exists, a new, draft version is created.

If a draft version exists:

View draft

View the draft version. Draft versions are visible only to users with permission to edit the page.

Delete draft

Delete the draft version.


The draft version becomes the approved version; the previously approved version, if any, becomes a historic version.

If an approved version exists:


The page is withdrawn from use: the currently approved version becomes a historic version and is removed from the menu. As far as normal users are concerned the page has been deleted; however it is retained in archive and can be retrieved if necessary.

Page type view actions


Display and update the page type definition


Display and edit the template used when creating new pages of this type


Download the type listing as a CSV file

Audit trail

Display the log of system events relating to this page type

Custom property actions

Custom properties

Display the custom properties for the displayed page type.

New custom property

Create a new custom property for the displayed page type.

Page type listing and edit actions


Display the listing of pages of the current type. This is shown only for content page types. The System drop-down has links for displaying listings of system page types.


Create a new page of the displayed type, using the page template if one has been created


Create a new page as a copy of the displayed page

System actions

New page

Create a new page of any type


Display the Advanced search page.