A Phrontex content menu is a structured arrangement of headings and pages, displayed to the left of the page content. On a narrow display, the menu is normally hidden, displayed when you click the Show menu icon.

As well as displaying content for your users, you can also download the pages of any menu as a single document.

Changing your content menu

If you have access to more that one content menu, you will see the Select menu icon at the top-right of the menu.  Click to display the list and select the menu that you want to use.

Custom content menus

You can create any number of content menus. For example, you might want different menus for different groups of users (such as a head office menu and a branch office menu) and you might want to create downloadable documents as information packs, induction and training kits, or documents to support tenders or filings.

The advantage of using a content menu to create a document for download is that the content is generated from the latest approved pages and always consistent - generated from the same pages. Your users will be literally on the same page.

A content menu may contain:

  • Headings
  • Pages: you can select pages explicitly and drag them into the section
  • Page types: you can add a list of all pages of one type. See  The listing can be:
    • an alphabetical list
    • a hierarchical list, if the page type has been set up with parent page fields. (For example, position pages are set up with a reports to field.)
    • a structured list with sub-headings based on properties and of the pages
  • Tags: you can add a listing of all pages with one or more tags.

To find out more about how to build custom content menus, see 

Menus and page permissions

A menu as presented to a user will only include the pages for which that user has view permission. When editing a menu, you can review what it will look like for another user by choosing User view and selecting the Effective user. Note that the listing will also be filtered by your view permissions.

Pages that have never been approved (ie, that exist only as drafts) are only included in the menu for users who have edit permission for that page. Users with no edit permission will not see them.

The All content menu

There is one built-in content menu: All content. This includes all approved pages for which the user has view permission, arranged alphanumerically by page type.

Tip: display this menu when you are creating or editing another menu, because it shows all available page types and pages.

Setting the default menu

System managers may change the system default menu as follows:

  • Select Settings from the system drop-down
  • Choose the menu in the Default menu field.

Make sure your users have view permission for this menu.

Default menu

Set a user’s menu

To set the menu for a user: display the user profile. Under Settings, choose the page selection in the Menu field, or choose — Use system default – to use the system menu

User menu