There can be multiple versions of each page:

  • The current version is the approved version, visible to normal users.
  • A draft version is the work in progress, not yet available to normal users.
  • Any number of historic versions: these are previously approved versions, now superseded.

The page lifecycle

  1. You create the page. This is a draft. It is visible only to users with edit permission. Users who do not have edit permission will not know that the page exists.
  2. You approve the page. The page status changes from draft to current. The page is now visible to users with view permission.
  3. You edit the page. This creates a new version with draft status. Normal users continue to see the current (approved) version. They do not see the new draft.
  4. You approve the draft. The current version becomes historic; the draft version becomes current.

Steps 3 and 4 can be repeated as often as you need.

Page visibility

The visibility of a page is determined by the view and edit permissions that have been set for it. Permissions are normally set for the page type, applying by default to all pages of the type. Permissions may also be set for individual pages, by displaying the page and selection Metadata from the Content drop-down.

Draft pages will appear in the menu only if –

  • The user has edit permission, and
  • There is no current version.

Page actions

  • You can carry out actions on a single page by displaying the page then selecting the action from the content drop-down.
  • You can carry out actions on multiple pages at once by displaying the listing of pages, selecting the pages you want to act on, then clicking the action button at the foot of the listing.
Page type listing showing pages selected for actions to be carried out

These actions can be carried out —


Delete the draft version of the page. If this is the only version, the page is removed entirely.


The draft version becomes the current version. The previous current version, if any, become a historic version.


Create a draft version if one doesn’t exist already; then display the draft version for editing.


The current version becomes a historic version. The page is no longer visible in normal usage, but is retained in the system.

Delete history

Delete the historic versions of the page. The draft and current versions, if any, are not affected. Note: only users with System Owner authority may delete page histories.

Withdrawing and deleting pages

If the page exists only as a draft, you simply delete it: display the page and select Delete from the content drop-down, or display the listing of draft pages of the type, select the page, then click the Delete button.

If there is a current version of the page, you need to withdraw it. Withdrawing a page removes it from normal view (it will not appear in the menu or be available for cross-referencing), but it can still be retrieved by displaying the page type listing. This can be important for legal or governance reasons: in the event of an incident, your organization might be required to produce the policies and procedures that were in effect at the time. By retaining withdrawn pages, you are keeping a formal historic record.

To completely remove an approved page:

  1. Delete the draft if any
  2. Withdrawn the current version if any
  3. Select the page from the page type listing showing historic versions. Click Delete history.