Create and edit content
To create a new page
- Select New page from the System drop-down.
- Select the page type. If the page type has an associated , that will be used, otherwise you will start with a blank page.
- If necessary, add the page to the menu. (The menu settings determine which page types are added automatically and which must be added explicitly. ) See
To edit an existing page
- Display the page.
- Select Edit from the Content drop-down.
Using the editor
The editor is deliberately simple, so there’s very little to learn. There are no controls for setting fonts, font sizes, or colours, because styling is automatic. This ensures that all pages have a consistent look and feel regardless of who created them. (And anyone with competence to be adding content to a Phrontex system is too valuable to be spending time formatting pages.)
The editor provides these functions —
Undo (ctrl-z) and redo (ctrl-y)
Clipboard: cut (ctrl-x), copy (ctrl-c), and paste (ctrl-v). Note: some browsers (such as Firefox) do not support toolbar access to the Paste function, in which case the Paste button is not displayed. Use ctrl-v to paste.
Paragraph styling —
- Paragraph text: this is the default, used for all normal content (ctrl-0)
- Label: use this for incidental text such as column headings in a table (ctrl-9)
- Heading, Sub-heading, List heading (ctrl-1, ctrl-2, ctrl-3)
- Highlight: use sparingly, for notes, warnings, and cautions (ctrl-4)
- Incomplete work: use for content that you’re still working on or that needs input from someone else (ctrl-5)
- Fixed: use for computer terminal text (ctrl-6)
Character styling (ctrl-b, ctrl-i, ctrl-u)
Bulleted and numbered lists
Item numbering: use this function to apply numbering to headings and paragraphs. The numbered items need not be adjacent.
Paragraph alignment
Insert a link, as a hyperlink within the text of the page or as a clickable hotspot on a graphic. You can link to any page, listing, download, or attachment within your system, or to an external URL.
You can also use links to include the content of a target page, for example to embed a definition or boilerplate text.
Note: you can also add links by dragging the target from the menu and dropping it into the text of your page or onto a graphic.
Insert a graphic, video, audio file, or organization chart. See
Insert a special character. See
Insert a table. See
Insert an activity chart. See
Insert a row into a table or process chart.
Insert a 'condition’ row into a table or activity chart. This row has a single cell spanning the full width of the table or chart.
Insert a divider row into a table or activity chart. This draws a line across the full width of the table or chart.
Move the current row up or down
Move the current column left or right
The editor automatically makes these changes as you type —
straight quotes to open and close quotes
Single and double quotes are converted to open and close quotes
hyphens to en- and em-dash
Two consecutive hyphens are converted to en-dash. Three consecutive hyphens, or en-dash plus hyphen, are converted to em-dash
Two initial capitals
If the first two letters of the first word of a sentence are capitals and the third letter is not, the second letter is changed to lower case.
Note: auto-correction is not applied to paragraphs with the Fixed style.