Every Phrontex page has a type, such as Policy or Procedure. Page types help you organize and manage your content in these ways:

Menus and listings

You can create listings to display all the pages of a type. These listings are updated automatically when pages are added, removed, or renamed. For example, you can have a listing of policies in the menu. This listing will always show all current policies.


You can nominate a position with overarching accountability for pages of the type.


You can set default permissions for the type, to control who may view, edit, and approve pages of the type.


You can specify who should be notified of events relating to pages of the type, such as changes made, comments posted, or reviews coming due. For example, you might have a compliance requirement that policies be reviewed once a year. You can set up notifications for your policy pages, to notify the accountable person if a policy is due for review and to notify a higher authority if a policy is overdue for review.

Organization charts

You can insert graphics showing the hierarchy of pages of a type This is most often used with Position pages, to show the authority structure of the organization (or some part of it). The displayed graphic will be updated automatically whenever pages are added or removed, or the structure changes.


You can use page types to create registers of key information. Phrontex works well to control small volumes of critical information that might otherwise be managed informally, such as in spreadsheets. Some common use cases:

  • Risk register: create a page for each risk, defining the risk and documenting the steps taken to manage it.
  • Licenses and permits: create a page for each license or permit. Attach scans of the source documents. Add fields for key dates such as renewal or expiry and set up notifications (notify these people at expiry minus six weeks).
  • Corporate entities: create a page for each corporate entity within the organization, explaining what it is for and providing formal details such as registration number, directors, etc.

Although there is no technical limit to the number of items in a register, Phrontex is not the right tool for managing large volumes of data. If your register might have more than a couple of hundred items you will probably be better off with a separate application.